I've been playing w/some of my new
stuff lately. I have lots of stuff to
play w/these days.
Also, I am now beginning to envision my
new studio! I saw
this desk (pictured here) that is incredible. I like it for its
design and flexibility! Sometimes I like to
stand, but sometimes I like to sit; just depends on
what I am working on.
I also want lots of file space/drawers to hold all the paper and cardstock that I use so much. I have not quite decided how I want to store my ribbon. I'm thinking of a combination of spools hanging on a rod and using jars as well.
What to do w/all the tools and embellishments will be quite interesting. Of course, I could use cabinets and I like that idea best so far. I even thought of storing items in smaller storage bins in the cabinets so that if I need to pull the bin down to view the contents it will be easy enough to do that.
The really big thing that I am going to have that I do not currently have is a sewing machine! I absolutely love when I see sewing on cards and scrapbook pages. I've tried to duplicate the techinique w/stamps or a gel pen, but it's just not the same; so a sewing machine is a must have.
Enjoy this lil card that I made!
Ribbon: unknown

**photo borrowed from Anthro Corp. Technology FurnitureLabels: cards, craft studio, scrapbooking, sewing machine